"Bridging the gap between people and systems in the global world of work."

Strategic Leadership Development Seminars:
Integration of The 8 Intelligences: IQ, EQ, SQ,
SQ, AQ, CQ, LQ, & HQ

An image of a flock of birds forming a large arrowStrategic leadership centers on “the people” and helping people get to a certain place in time. Management centers on “the task” and getting the task accomplished. Under the stress mode, oftentimes people forget about leadership and begin to manage. Therein lies the problem. The issue is to learn how to operate out the normal mode rather than the stress mode. Our firm can help you through a series of ten, three-day strategic leadership development seminars.

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC) ® offers strategic leadership development seminars helping our client organizations and your employees first become strategic thinkers, which allows you to develop into strategic leaders. A good path to strategic leadership is to first become “aware”, and second develop those strategic thinking skills and attributes as a part of your overall leadership development process. True strategic leadership centers on knowing who you are. As a strategic leader you become more proactive rather than reactive, and are able to exert more power and influence in the workplace; ultimately creating a “win-win” environment.

Seminar 1: Leadership Development: Learning to lead

This seminar centers on the six roles of leaders in the development and management areas. Learners focus on exploring their styles and ensuring that they create the capacity processes for change and development.

Seminar 2: Creating The Right Balance: Bringing people & work together for value added success

This seminar looks at the values and belief assumptions that either enhance or hinder leaders abilities to build successful teams to accomplish outcomes.

Seminar 3: Creating Effective Mentor/Protégé Relationships

Organizations often misplace the process of mentor/protégé. This seminar explores how to balance mentor performance with belief structures of employees to add the greatest value to the employee and the organization.

Seminar 4: Executive Coaching For Impact: Creating value added change

There is a significant difference between mentoring and executive coaching. This seminar explores the varying roles of executive coaching to ensure the best for the employee and the organizational group.

Seminar 5: Facilitating with Punch: Making it work

Facilitation is a non-judgmental process, yet influence becomes a critical component of the process of understanding the "underlying challenges in addressing the concerns of people and systems." This seminar explores those challenges and teaches how to facilitate.

Seminar 6: Successful Internal Partnering

The deficit model of organizational performance is one of competition rather than collaboration. This seminar explores collaboration to create effective internal partners within the organization.

Seminar 7: Getting to the Core of Your People Behavior

Effective leadership is about understanding who your people are and how to get the best from them. This seminar explores the business and psychological processes of working with people as a leader.

Seminar 8: Getting Your Arms Around The Issues: Strategic thinking skills

What does it take to create effective strategies? This seminar focuses on the THINKING of strategy as the underpinning for the actions of strategy.

Seminar 9: Meeting Organizational Expectations: Problem analysis & decision making

Too often, organizational leaders and managers focus on the wrong outcomes. To a large extent, this is based on the inability to effectively problem solve and decide appropriately. This seminar explores the processes necessary to "get it right".

Seminar 10: Personal Power And Leadership: The multicultural & multinational perspective

The world of business and human connectedness has become more multicultural and multinational. This workshop explores the cultural, social, and psychological aspects of working effectively with people.

All seminars are didactic and experiential. Other strategic leadership workshops are available.

Contact us to schedule your consultation. From our headquarters in Foster City, California, we serve public, private, and non-profit clients across the country and throughout the world.

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