"Bridging the gap between people and systems in the global world of work."

Our Approach

Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Operational Psychology, & Social Psychology

business solutions conceptFellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC)® utilizes Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Operational Psychology, and Social Psychology strategies to help client corporations maximize their human assets by: (a) focusing on people and performance; (b) conceptualize, design, and executive screening and selection protocols to provide decision makers with nuanced insights to shape a talented and trusted workforce; (c) training, retention, and development; and (d) putting new strategies in place to ensure and improve organizational performance. Organizations must create effective systems change in its corporate systems through strategic movements of organizational systems from vertical structures to horizontal, fluid, and circular systems accompanied with high levels of accountability and congruity, expand the knowledge base for decision making, structure development, environmental management, and human interaction strategies to change organizational functioning to a thinking practice focused on systems development by evaluating degrees to which the alignment between people and organizational systems exist.

This field focuses on the theoretical and practical issues of the human condition and the application of human conditions, values, beliefs, attitudes, and strategies to the systemic issues of organizations. Particular attention is focused on the congruity issues of people and organizational systems. Attention is given in this process of inquiry to the issues of systems change, holistic change, transformation, development, change creation and change implementation. Key to this study is the exploration of organizational life and how those lives impact the ability of the organization to make critical changes for its “life cycle.” In essence, client organizations must experience alignment with their expressed policies and procedures in order to achieve maximum bottom-line benefits, and turning points in their managers and employees. We assist you in accomplishing this task by utilizing specific assessment and selection programs. Assessment and selection programs can be customized to meet the unique requirements of your organization or mission set. The psychologists begin the assessment and selection process by meeting with key personnel to determine the variables of success for the specific position. In addition to the specific variables determined by leadership, FCC I/O psychologists routinely assess candidate history, lifestyle, personality, stress tolerance, cognitive flexibility, motivation, intellect, and ability to smoothly cross social strata to achieve operational objectives.

Social Psychology

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC)® utilizes Social Psychology, also known as Psychological Sociology. Social Psychology strategies are utilized because this field focuses on contextual issues of organizational life that are influenced not only by psychological processes but by sociological developments of the human condition. Client organizations benefit from strategies centering on social conditions that affect employees among all levels based on issues concerning group dynamics and socialization.

Organizational Behavior

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC)® utilizes Organizational Behavior (O.B.) strategies to partner with and assist our client organizations in maintaining sustainable forward movement, and competitively thriving within the global world of work. O.B. is a field of study critically examining issues centering on dynamics that often are the areas of “blind spots” within organizations,  with little understanding of how the issues impact people and organizational development.

Organizational Behavior is a discipline that includes principles from psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Its focus is on understanding how people behave in organizational work environments, and centers on three main levels of analysis: micro (individuals), meso (groups), and macro (the organization).

Micro Level of Analysis includes topics such as: managing the diverse workforce; effects of individual differences in attitudes; job satisfaction and engagement, including their implications for performance and management; personality and its effects on decision making; employee values; emotions, including emotional intelligence, emotional labor, and the effects of positive and negative affect on decision-making and creativity ; and motivation, including the effects of rewards and goal-setting and implications for management.

Meso Level of Analysis includes topics such as: group decision-making; managing work teams for optimum performance (including maximizing team performance and communication); managing team conflict (including the effects of task and relationship conflict on team effectiveness); team climate and group emotional tone; power, organizational politics, and ethical decision-making; and leadership, including leadership development and leadership effectiveness.

Macro Level of Analysis includes topics such as: organizational analysis, design and its effect on organizational performance; affective events theory and the physical environment; organizational culture and climate; and organizational change.

Organizational Development

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC)® utilizes Organizational Development (O.D.), strategies to help our client organizations maximize their human assets. O.D. is the field of study and practice that focuses on various aspects of organizational life, aspects that include culture, values, systems, and behavior assists client organizations in their change and transformation process. The goal of O.D. is to increase organizational effectiveness and organizational health, through planned interventions in the organization’s processes or operations. Organizational Development is the application of behavioral scientific principles and methods to increase an organization's effectiveness. This field of study utilizes the social sciences to examine both the social and mechanical systems within an organization. It involves the exploration of (a) work processes, (b) communication styles, and (c) reward system of an organization’s culture. The organization’s overall productivity is improved by helping employees achieve their maximum potential. Organizational Development becomes imperative when client organizations (or unit(s) within the organizations) are undergoing a process of change. Issues examined within the field are those issues that embrace areas of structure, process, decision making, people behavior, team development, change management, process improvement and process re-engineering, 360-degree feedback processes, coaching, and counseling. These areas are essential to the balancing of the psychological issues of the organization.

Human Resource Management

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC)® helps our client organizations realize and understand the importance of possessing and sustaining a competitive advantage. What is acknowledged today is that a significant source of their competitive edge often comes from possessing an effective system for obtaining, mobilizing, and managing the organization’s human assets. Recent developments such as changes in demographics centering on the labor force, heightened global competition, rapid technological change, decreased labor markets in many sectors, changing organizational structures, and public policy attention to workforce issues are making human resource management (HRM) increasingly important for senior executives.

Our Human Resource Management strategies allow client organizations to systematically and strategically manage the organization’s most prized possessions, human assets, and critically examines and implements policies and procedures to achieve competitive advantage through people.

Contact us to learn more about our approach to business management. From our headquarters in Foster City, California, we serve public, private, and non-profit clients across the country and throughout the world.

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