"Bridging the gap between people and systems in the global world of work."

Custom-Designed Training

Fellows Corporate Consortium, LLC (FCC) ® has available to our clients over 100 Custom Designed Training services, as well as Training, Needs Assessments. In addition to training, we also assist with an array of Organizational Development, Organizational Behavior, and Behavioral Management issues. We develop Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, and Human Resource Management research-based interventions.

Our custom-designed training services include:

  • Research Driven Strategies that embrace the culture, history and values for work and sustainability through Measurement Systems
  • Quantitative Performance Based Systems
  • Qualitative Phenomenological and Anectodotal Systems
  • Mixed Method Approaches to Uncover Organizational Behavior, Narrative Research Models
  • Organizational Cultural Based Models, and Interagency Collaboration Models
  • Training, Development, and Retention Systems custom designed to meet current and future needs
  • Clinical, Executive Coaching, Mentoring and Counseling Services
  • Business, Human Resource Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Organizational Development and Transformation, Organizational Behavior, Behavioral Management, and Social Psychology strategies that balance the team, the individual, and organization to ensure the right strategy at the right time with the right people
  • Operational Management
  • Administrative Leadership and Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Quality Assurance and Management
  • Program and Project Management


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Our training courses include:

Accountability Management
Applied Supervision
Advanced Leadership
American With Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act
Art of Developing the Organization
Assimilation, Acculturation, and Competition: Impact on Cooperation, Collaboration & Teamwork

Anger Management
Aggressive Behavior Management
Assessment of Health-Related Concerns
Accelerated Learning to Drive better Cultural Health in Organizations
Accommodating & Inclusiveness in the Workplace for Persons with Disabilities
Addressing Language Barriers: Strategies for Communicating with Employees with Limited English & Literacy Skills

Age & The Multigenerational Workplace: Working with Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z through Retirement

Advanced Managerial Communication
Attracting, Developing, and Retaining Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials, and Gen Z

Balancing Individual Versus Organizational Values
Balancing Organizational Systems Versus Bureaucratic Systems
Basic Supervision
Behavioral Reliability
Benchmarking- Setting the Standard and Building a Sustainable Organization
Becoming an Effective Manager
Bureaucracy and Control in a Changing World
Belief Systems, Thinking Styles, Decision Making: Differences and Similarities
Bridging the Generational Gap in the Corporate Arena
Business Organizational Structure

Career Development: Systems & Practices for Flat Versus Tiered Organizations
Change Management, Change Systems, Change Practices: Exploring the Best Change Option
Coaching and Counseling
Community Learning / Community Development
Conflict Management
Conflict Resolution and Confrontation Avoidance
Congruence Development
Congruence of People and Systems
Context, Content, and Process: The Creation of a Systems Approach to Business
Crafting Unique Quality Control Systems
Creating Socially Responsible Businesses
Creating Effective Learning Organizations
Creating Effective Organizational Corporate Cultures
Creating an Effective Professional
Creating Personal Values
Creating Management Strategies
Creating Personal Values
Crisis Management
Organizational Cultural Due Diligence
Customer Service/Customer Relations: Both Internal and External
Customized Learning Strategies for Organizational Change
Career Management
Challenges for Men as Team Leaders: How to Overcome Them
Challenges for Women as Team Leaders: How to Overcome Them
Coaching and Mentoring: Similarities and Differences
Coaching and Mentoring Program Strategies: The Impact on Emotional Health: Similarities and Differences; Women mentoring Women; Men mentoring Men; Women mentoring Men; Men mentoring Women

Coaching and Performance Culture
Communication: Cross Departmental, Horizontal and Vertical within organizations

Creating Learning Environments for Smarter Employees

Decision Making
Developing an Effective Business Integration Model
Developing Leadership Competency
Downsizing and Rightsizing
Decision Making
Difficult Conversations

Educational Performance Systems Models
Employee Psychological Assistance Program
Effective Communication: Horizontal and Vertical
Employee Development, Effective Communication and Reaching Common Ground: Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials through Retirement: Building a Commonality Among Values, Beliefs, and Processes

Ethics and Social Responsibility
Executive Coaching
Executive Leadership
Effective Communication

Fiscal Responsibilities for Managers and Boards
Four Capital Development (Human, Resource, Political, and Community Capital)

Getting to the Core of People Behavior
Group Dynamics
Group Facilitation: Appreciative Inquiry and the Dialogic Process
Group Problem Solving

Healing the Rift Between People and Organizational Systems
How to Use Research in Organizations: The Decision Making Process
How to Market the Organization’s Skills Upward
Human Resources Employee Development
Human Resources Employee Development Process
Human Resource Management Systems
Human Resource Leadership Processes
Human Resource Performance Measurement and Merit Enhancement Systems
Human Resources Training
Human Resource Management – A Three Day Seminar

Intellectual (IQ), Emotional (EQ), Social and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) for the Business Leader: A Three Day Seminar

Interagency Collaboration
Interpersonal Communications
Intrapersonal Communications
Interfacing with the Media
IT’s Impact on Organizational Design
Integration of the 4 Intelligences: Intellectual Intelligence (IQ), Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Social Intelligence (SQ), Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)
Interplay of the 4 Qs and 4 Capitals: IQ, Emotional Intelligence: EQ, Social Intelligence: SQ, Spiritual Intelligence: SQ, and the 4 Capitals Human, Resource, Political and Community

Knowledge Management

Labor Management
Leadership Development for the following:

  • Executive Leaders
  • Managers
  • EEO Leaders
  • Supervisory Managers
  • Informal Organizational Leaders

Leadership Competency
Leadership Styles
Learning to Lead: Managing Diversity
Leadership Commitment
Leadership Framework
Leadership and Followership

Management Training and Interagency Collaboration
Managing Change
Manic Behavior Management
Meeting Organizational Expectations
Mentoring Systems
Mergers and Acquisitions
Metanoic Processes: Shifting the Mind of People and Systems, Motivating the Self: Creating Effective Outcomes

Motivating and Rewarding Employees
Multitasking and Critical Thinking: Key to Successful Team Membership

Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act
Operational Versus Organizational Performance Systems Models
Organizational Development
Organizational Psychological Challenges
Organization Versus Individuation Decision Management
Organizational Communications
Organizational Protocol
Organizational Needs Analysis
Organizational Violence - Building Prescriptions That Work

People Matching
Personal Motivation
Personal Power and Influence
Performance Management Systems
Performance Measurement and Management Strategies
Planning and Scheduling
Philosophy of Supervision
Planning and Organizing Work
Policy and Problem Analysis
Prioritizing: Essential Strategies for Sustained Leadership Success
Project Management - A Three Day Seminar
Priority Setting: Developing Effective Leadership Skills
Problem Analysis and Decision Making
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Personal Productivity
Persons with Disabilities: An Untapped Resource

Quality Control Systems Management
Quality Control Systems Leadership

Report Writing
Risk Management
Religion, Non-Religious Persons, and Spirituality: Commonalities and Differences

Sales Training
Social Introversion
Sociological and Anthropological Business Process Paradigms: Strategies for the Future

Spirituality in Work
Suicidal and Paranoid Ideation
Strategic Managers versus Strategic Leaders: Bureaucracy and Control in a Changing World

Strategic Leadership Development Seminars: Movement From Tactical Manager to Strategic Leader

Strategic Planning
Strategic Thinking Skills
Stress Management
Succession Planning
Systems Approach to Organizational Change
Socioeconomic Status and Level of Education
Strategic Manager and Strategic Leadership: Similarities and Differences

Team Building
Time Management
The Art of Developing The Organization
The transformation from Theory X to Total Quality Management (TQM)
Transition to Management
Time and Task Management

Understanding and Managing the Workgroup
Understanding The Organization’s Thinking Paradigm
Understanding the Underlying Violence Within the Organization
Understanding The Organization’s Spirit to Create Sustainable Change
Understanding The Organization’s Corporate Culture: Being a Good Fit
Understanding Chaos Theory and its Impact on Work
Understanding Organizational Change
Understanding Political Processes Versus Organizational Processes: How to Create a Balance

Using Research to Make a Difference in the Decision
Using the Business Knowledge to Create Business Change
Understanding Personality Traits
Understanding Workforce Generations to Create and Maintain Productive Workplaces: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y- Millennials, Gen Z through Retirement

Understanding Personal Styles: How to Adapt to Someone who Looks, Thinks Behaves and Makes Decisions Different Than You

Vendor Process Improvement


All training is tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Additionally, other customized training services are available that are specifically designed based on your organizational needs analysis or one that is conducted by the firm.

Contact us to schedule your consultation. From our headquarters in Foster City, California, we serve public, private, and non-profit clients across the country and throughout the world.

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